foto Simone Bossi
foto Simone Bossi
faircompanies video
dezeen 2017.06.11
divisare homepage 2017.03.30
architettura italiana homepage 2017.01.18
divisare journal n. 135
divisare journal n. 178
archiportale 2017.02
simpleflair 2017.02
archdaily 2017.02.23
thisispaper 2017.01.30
dwell 2017.02.08
gooood 2017.03.16
journal du design 2017.01.31
interiores minimalistas 2017.03.10
simplicitylove 2017.02.17
interiors n. 26 pp. 74-79
architizer featured on 2017.07
ristrutturare on web
faircompanies video
dezeen 2017.06.11
divisare homepage 2017.03.30
architettura italiana homepage 2017.01.18
divisare journal n. 135
divisare journal n. 178
archiportale 2017.02
simpleflair 2017.02
archdaily 2017.02.23
thisispaper 2017.01.30
dwell 2017.02.08
gooood 2017.03.16
journal du design 2017.01.31
interiores minimalistas 2017.03.10
simplicitylove 2017.02.17
interiors n. 26 pp. 74-79
architizer featured on 2017.07
ristrutturare on web
Divisare homepage 2017.02.10
architettura italiana homepage 2017.02.10
simplicitylove 2017.05.07

L'appartamento è parte di un edificio costruito verso la fine del Settecento nella zona nord della città di Varese. L'impianto originario ha saputo valorizzare le qualità del contesto ambientale, instaurando un dialogo continuo tra intorno e costruito. Già dimora di una ricca famiglia milanese il complesso è stato oggetto di una ristrutturazione con la conseguente suddivisione in singoli appartamenti.
... in the darkness of the evening, the lighted windows are like fireflies turning on and off in spontaneous time. Each point of light is a beating heart of an inner life that accompanies the unfolding of time in a shared space of small or large dimensions... In this sense, the 'light within' fascinates, attracts our attention... and it is an image that immediately becomes a story!
In design, the complementarity of interior and exterior space in a continuous relationship of receiving and giving is a refined game.
The window is indeed the eye of the house to the outside, the vanishing point of static or dynamic internal axes that follow the sensible logic of an architectural path, but it is also an active instrument in the external space in terms of light. It has the ability to create emotions at the moment when an action, a word, a thought or a state of mind is perceived in the light.
The task of design is to guide the inward gaze with intuition and discretion. The window is not a banal hole in a wall, this hole, when illuminated, goes deep, transforms the wall into a membrane that reveals a truth. The building is a body that contains a continuous flow of life.